Student assessment criteria

All tasks planned by the following rule: Порядком подготовки по образовательным программам высшего образования – программам подготовки научно-педагогических кадров в аспирантуре НИУ ВШЭ от 28.03.2014 are included in individual plans. Cumulative volume of learning activities is considered during the assessment. Post-graduate student who has not completed necessary tasks will have no access to the assessment.



Assessment criteria

Control period


Definition of the subject of future research and choosing an advisor

Mid-term assessment of the 1st year of post-graduate program, current assessment of the 1st semester


Writing the list of references to the research

Mid-term assessment of the 1st year of post-graduate program


Writing the detailed plan of future research

Mid-term assessment of the 1st year of post-graduate program


Attendance of History and philosophy of science and Foreing language classes

Current assessment of the 1st semester


Passing History and philosophy of science and Foreign language post-graduate exams

Mid-term assessment of the 1st year of post-graduate program


Attendance of other classes and seminars, passing exams and pass-fail exams

Each assessment, according to volume established in individual plan of post-graduate student


Teaching practice

Each mid-term assessment in each year according to the volume and kinds of teaching practice as indicated in this Rules


Acquisition and processing of empirical data for research (if applicable)

Each assessment


Prepairing research papers

Each assessment


Prepairing research papers for publications in scientific journals added to VAK list

Each assessment.

Providing at least 1 published paper and 1 paper accepted for publishing in journals from VAK list is necessary for mid-term assessment of the following post-graduate students:

  • 2nd year students of a 3-year program
  • 3rd year students of a 4-year program


Prepairing the research work by chapters

Each assessment.

Having half of text ready (confirmed by advisor) is necessary for the mid-term assessment for the following post-graduate students:

- 2nd year students of a 3-year program

- 3rd year students of a 4-year program


Participating in scientific conferences

Each assessment.

Appearance on at least 1 conference is necessary for the mid-term assessment for the following post-graduate students:

- 2nd year students of a 3-year program

- 3rd year students of a 4-year program


Presenting progress report and detailed plan of future work on the Departmental meeting. Filling the assessment list

Mid-term assessment.

Filling the assessment list is done after each assessment


Passing Specialty post-graduate exam

Necessary for the mid-term assessment for the following post-graduate students:

- 2nd year students of a 3-year program

- 3rd year students of a 4-year program


Publications in journals from VAK list

Each assessment


Prepairing for the preliminary hearing

Readiness condition is evaluated by advisor and noticed in assessment inference for 3rd and 4th year students